Rob McConnell
Rob has been very active in the investigating, publishing, journalism
and broadcasting of ufo and paranormal events throughout Canada and the
Rob is the publisher of The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - the only monthly
parapsychology newspaper in North America.
Rob McConnell has written books on the paranormal and ESP.
Rob is the host and executive producer of The 'X' Chronicles syndicated
radio and television shows.
Rob McConnell was the first journalist/broadcaster to break the story on
the truth behind the 1967 Sasquatch Film; the truth behind the
Amithville Horror; The truth behind the legend of the Crystall - Skull;
the thrugh behinf the Gulf Breeze sightings just to name a few stories
and exclusive reports.
Rob has also proved ufo's, ghosts, poltergiests and other events thta
occurr in the world of the paranormal really do exist.
Here's some further info on Rob McConnell:
1. Has a degree / PhD in psychology.
2. Former member of the Intelligence Community.
3. Has investigated ufo sightings, landing, abductions and other aspects of the paranormal as a law enforcement officer and intelligence
4. The 'X' Chronicles is based in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.
5. Mailing address is The 'X' Chronicles, 12-111 Fourth Avenue, Suite 227, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, L2S 3P5. Our telephone
number is (905) 688-3607, and our fax number is the same.
6. The 'X' Chronicles has been used for researching media stories and authenicating material for the media as well as other private
7. The 'X' Chronicles is funded through the international sales of its
newspaper, which by March 1997 will reach a dsitribution of 350,000
internationally, and by The 'X' Chronicles Radio Program syndication
with an estimated 300 stations by June 1997 (Internationally) and the
premiere of The 'X' Chronicles Television Series...THE OTHER SIDE OF THE
8. The 'X' Chronicles Update is a regular feature on CHCH TV-11,
Hamilton, Ontario and the show is sent via satellite into the Northwest
Territories, The Yukon, across Canada from Pacifi to Atlantic.
9. THE 'X' CHRONICLES radio show is broadacst live from the studios of
the Canadian anchor of the International Paranormal Broadcast Network -
1220 CHSC AM in St. Catharines, Ontario and during our show we do a live
simulcast with the American anchor of the International Paranormal
Boradcast Network at 860 KCNR - Clyde Lewis the host of 860 KCNR's
10. The 'X' Chronicles Radio Show can be heard via the Internet from our
homepage at .